The Snapdragon 855's iGPU
The Adreno 640 GPU in the Snapdragon 855 is a significant improvement over the older Adreno 530 in the Snapdragon 821. It increases compute throughput while still working within a constrained power and thermal envelope. The GPU has six Shader Processors (SPs) compared to the Adreno 530's four, and Qualcomm reorganized the GPU to avoid replicating other hardware resources in a similar manner. ...

Jane Street is big. Like, big
Jane Street, a Wall Street trading firm, has released a bond prospectus for its latest bond sale. The prospectus provides insight into the company's growth and dominance in various trading markets. Jane Street is particularly strong in ETF market-making, with monthly trading volumes averaging $527bn in 2023, accounting for 14% of US ETF trading volumes and 20% of European ETF volumes. The ...

The Vivid Blue Mineral That Grows on Buried Bodies and Confuses Archaeologists
Vivianite is a mineral that can form in, on, and around human remains. it can tell us about what happened to the dead after their death, says dr. sanjay gupta, sociologist and author of the book 'blue death' he says other minerals such as copper can also have an effect on the deceased if they are buried near objects made from the metal - e.g.

Cognition: A new antisyntax language redefining metaprogramming
The Lisp programming language is known for its powerful syntax and metaprogramming capabilities. However, it also has some limitations, such as the need for prefix notation and the fact that some syntax is unchangeable. The Brainfuck programming language is a concatenative language that also has some limitations, such as the need for look-ahead and the introduction of the left and right ...

Optery (YC W22) – Engineering Tech Lead with Django and Python Experience (Remote)
We’re seeking a highly knowledgeable and experienced engineering tech lead who thrives in early stage environments that provide freedom to move fast and ship new customer-facing products and features at high velocity. You’ll work closely with the founders of the company and have a high degree of influence and input. The right candidate will have a high degree of versatility and excels at ...

ESpeak-ng: speech synthesizer with more than one hundred languages and accents
eSpeak NG is a compact open source text-to-speech synthesizer for Linux, Windows, Android, and other operating systems. It supports over 100 languages and accents and uses formant synthesis, allowing many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers. eSpeak NG also supports Klatt formant ...

Fast, simple, hard real time allocator for Rust
The article describes a port of Sebastian Aaltonen's OffsetAllocator package for C++ to 100% safe Rust. The port is a fast, simple, hard real-time allocator that is especially useful for managing GPU resources. The general algorithm used in the crate is agnostic to what it's allocating and uses 256 bins with 8 bit floating point distribution to find the next available bin. The allocation ...

Horizontal running inside circular walls of Moon settlements

Are young people smarter than adults? Research shows differences diminishing
The article suggests that cognitive differences between young and older adults are tapering off over time. This is important as stereotypes about the intelligence of older people may be holding them back in the workplace and beyond. The research shows that cognitive deficits start very early in adulthood and declines in cognition have been measured as dropping in adults as young as just 25. ...

Uno: Create Beautiful Cross Platform .NET Apps Faster
The article discusses the benefits of using Uno Platform for building cross-platform .NET UIs. Uno Platform offers a modern XAML-centric syntax or declarative-style C# Markup, as well as state management and easy testing. It also provides access to hundreds of UI components and native controls for a polished look and behavior. The platform is battle-tested and offers user-familiar native UIs ...

A smooth and sharp image interpolation you probably haven't heard of

Image interpolation is a technique used to guess pixels between pixels in an image. Bilinear and bicubic are common interpolations. Bilinear makes the image continuous but not smooth, while bicubic smudges the image but makes it smooth. Inverse weight interpolation is a close relative of SWInE and is used for image interpolation. The formula for inverse weight interpolation is a weighted sum ...

Astronauts could run round 'Wall of Death' to keep fit on moon, say scientists
Researchers suggest that astronauts run around a "lunar Wall of Death" to prevent bone and muscle wasting in low gravity environments. The Wall of Death is a giant wooden cylinder used by motorcycle stunt performers, and can be rented for testing. Running at more than 8mph should be enough to generate enough lateral force to maintain good nervous system control. The idea is to house ...

I'm closing up shop on my Mastodon for the foreseeable future
The article discusses the author's experience on the Fediverse, specifically on Mastodon. The author enjoys the community aspect of Mastodon but finds the microblogging format not suitable for their style of content. They also mention the negative comments and harassment they have experienced on the platform, which has made it less enjoyable. The author plans to focus more on their Patreon ...

A recent security incident involving Dropbox Sign
Dropbox Sign (formerly HelloSign) experienced a data breach on April 24th, resulting in unauthorized access to customer information including emails, usernames, phone numbers, hashed passwords, and authentication information. No evidence of unauthorized access to the contents of customers' accounts or payment information was found. The security team reset users' passwords, logged users out of ...

Fast Fourier Transform in Rust
PhastFT is a fast and efficient FFT implementation in Rust that takes advantage of the latest CPU features up to AVX-512. It supports input with a length of 2^n and uses the Cache-Optimal Bit Reversal Algorithm (COBRA) on large datasets. PhastFT is benchmarked against several other FFT libraries and achieves competitive performance while using significantly less memory. The name, PhastFT, is ...

AI Photo Geolocation
AI powered geo-location. Uncover the location photos were taken from by harnessing the power of ai

Key Consciousness Connections Uncovered
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston Children's Hospital have identified a brain network crucial to human consciousness using advanced multimodal MRI techniques. The "default ascending arousal network" is vital for sustaining wakefulness and is linked with the cortical default mode network. The study has direct clinical applications, with ongoing clinical trials aimed at ...

The Scientific Method Part 5: Illusions, Delusions, and Dreams
Daniel Dennett, a philosopher and author, died last week. He was known for his work on consciousness and the idea that it is an illusion. The author of Consciousness Explained, Dennett believed that consciousness is a product of the brain and not a separate entity. The book argues that consciousness is an illusion, and that the perception of it is a result of the brain's activity. The book is ...

Ask HN: Who is hiring? (May 2024)

The job postings are for various positions in different companies. Here's a summary of the positions and their requirements: 1. AuxHealth: REMOTE, USA - Full-time - Backend SDE I & II 2. Spacelift: REMOTE, Europe - Full-time - Senior Software Engineer 3. Happy Scribe: Onsite & Hybrid (Barcelona, Spain) - Engineer, Designer, ML 4. Overleaf: Full-time - Senior Full Stack Engineer 5. Aha!: ...

Ask HN: How do people create those sleek looking demos for startups?

The article discusses the use of video demos to showcase product updates and the tools used to create them. ScreenStudio is mentioned as a popular tool for this purpose, with a one-time license purchase. The author also mentions other products in the space, such as, Kite, and Descript. The technical term for this type of content is motion graphics or motion design. The author ...

A pivot point in Maya history: fire-burning event at Ucanal
The article presents evidence for an early-ninth-century ritual fire-burning event at the Maya site of Ucanal, the capital of the K'anwitznal kingdom. The event occurred at the dawn of a new political era in the Maya Lowlands during the Terminal Classic period (c. AD 810–950). The article argues that the event marked a moment of change in the kingdom and in the Lowlands more generally, ...

Scientists Find a Fast Way to Describe Quantum Systems
New algorithm solves a problem that was previously hard to solve. it's the result of several years of research by physicists and computer scientists - and physics gurus at uc daytona beach and the university of california at atlanta, florida. the researchers hope to apply the algorithm to other problems, such as detecting quantum effects in space and time. they say it could lead to

From 0 to glTF with WebGPU: Basic Materials and Textures
Gltf defines a physically based brdf, with support for metallic and roughness properties, along with normal, emission and occlusion texture maps. if you’re using the same primitives as in the previous lesson, you might find the code crashes or doesn’t render materials correctly in some cases. this is because we have some built in assumptions in our code now, that all primitive configurations ...

The Stripper Index: An unorthodox recession measurement
Strippers are not the only economic indicator that americans can turn to in order to stay clued in on the state of the economy. many quirky (and weirdly accurate) economic indicators help forecast the economic state - from the stock market to mosquito bites if homes are left unattended. the u.s. economy is expected to be in a recession by the second half of 2024, according to the most recent ...

Dissecting LockBit v3 Ransomware,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
The provided information is a third-screen capture of a ransomware analysis report. The ransomware in question is LockBit v3, which is a variant of the BlackMatter ransomware family. The analysis report provides insights into the encryption algorithm used by LockBit v3, which is a modified version of Salsa20. The report also discusses the key stream reuse vulnerability, which allows for the ...

César Aira's Magic
In 2002, Michael Gaeb, a German literary agent, traveled to Guadalajara, Mexico for a book fair. While browsing through the fair, he came across a book with a cover featuring a man in a kepi, painting in the Andes. The book was signed by César Aira, an Argentine author Gaeb had never heard of. That night in the hotel, before going out to a party, Gaeb read the novel, which is very short, with ...

Meter-scale distance manipulation of diverse objects with jet-induced airflow

Volcker's Announcement of Anti-Inflation Measures
Bob greene: in 1979, the fed announced new measures aimed at reining in inflation. he says the move re-established credibility for low inflation in the u.s. the measures were a response to treasury secretary's comments, argues green e.g., "unusual public communication" despite the change, inflation continued to decline for several years, says greene, who studied the issue in college

Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
The paper "KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks" presents a promising alternative to Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) called Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs). KANs have strong mathematical foundations and are based on the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem. KANs and MLPs are dual, with activation functions on edges for KANs and nodes for MLPs. KANs are better than MLPs in terms of both model ...

Printing Music with CSS Grid
The article describes a new approach to rendering music notation on the web using CSS Grid. The author defines two axes for the grid: the vertical axis, which is defined by the stave (staff) and has fixed-size grid rows, and the horizontal axis, which is defined by the time line and has a variable number of columns. The stave is defined by a class called ".stave" and has fixed-size grid rows ...